Aladiah Guardian Angel represents the forgiveness of Karma linked to the current incarnation. It dominates diseases and plagues, which means that its divine influence acts concretely in the fight against diseases. This guardian angel also counteracts the spread of destructive mindsets that threaten men by infecting the soul.
Aladiah guardian angel then responds to invocations for healing. It gives people born these days a powerful healing faculty. It instills the talent to make a career in entertainment, teaching, and medicine.
Aladiah Guardian Angel leads them to material realities, cushioning, and repeating the energies of Uranus and Saturn. With prayer, the person can get rid of his past and any difficulty or painful bond to start over. So it is the turn of moral regeneration and with it comes the cancellation of all the defects and errors of the past.
Guardian angel Aladiah has the task of promoting the love and wisdom that emanate from the energies administered by Raziel the archangel, it is through its influence that Love takes material form.
Aladiah Agel of Divine Grace
Through him, the person feels stimulated to firmly build wisdom, which means that all material activities will bear the sign of Divine Love. Under this angel, human work will have happy results.
For this purpose, it will be necessary that the work is oriented collectively towards the creation of social spaces in which the energies, virtues, and powers dispensed by Raziel can manifest themselves and take root with maximum vigor.
It will most effectively assist anyone who consecrates his or her existence to the building up of the divine on Earth. Meets the prayers of healing from diseases, acts on the immune system and gives constant physical health.
It provides healing energy and the ability to listen and heal others. It guarantees good luck in companies, success, and luck in all types of activities, celebrities, collective esteem. It protects the secrets that we want to hide for good reasons.
Aladiah Prayer – Psalm 33:22 Fiat misericordia tua, Domine, super nos, quemadmodum speravimus in te