Aleph Vav Mem leads us to contemplate God’s patience

Aleph Vav Mem leads us to contemplate God’s patience while waiting for our intervention to connect the spiritual entities. Between physical reality and the ultimate source of joy in the spiritual dimension. The hope and confidence we find in Psalm 70: 5 are strongly linked to these entities.

It is between these two realities, the physical and the spiritual, that must be built mainly through bonds. In reality, these two dimensions are only apparent, being matter and spirit a single reality. But our perception leads us to distinguish these two realities as if they were different things.

The challenge behind the Name Aleph Vav Mem is the ability to understand that the spiritual dimension and the physical reality of things are closely connected. To the point that they are the same, even though we perceive them in a distinct form. Those born under the angelic influence of the name Aleph Vav Mem can create these bonds that connect any physical event with the spiritual dimension and vice versa.

Those related to this in the Name Aleph Vav Mem can also understand how certain facts that have to do with our soul and our evolution are the ones that cause the consequences on a practical level.

These links are not just for understanding the connections between the manifest and the unmanifested part of each event. But they also serve people to be able to pass from one vision to another, thanks to the means that someone has created. In this sense, the link, the viaduct, the bridge is hope and self-confidence in others and in God.

Aleph Vav Mem and the symbolic value of the rainbow

We must remember the symbolic value of the rainbow as presented to us in the Bible. The rainbow is the bridge between heaven and earth that reminds everyone of the pact of friendship between God and men. Likewise, every bond that man can build between heaven and earth, between matter and spirit, between man and God, is a help and a hope that is transformed over time into the certainty of a better future.

This is the task of the one who bears this name. If, however, this bonding ability is subservient to one’s ego, then the bonds will still be built, but they will be the wrong ones. The result will be to establish connections between the most deleterious parts of matter and spirit.

Unfortunately we know that there are also vices in the world, and in the spirit also the Devils, and history brings us many examples of men and women, sorcerers and witches who used their talents to cast spells based on these bonds.

Despite all this can make people smile in this hyper-technological age, the possibility of connecting the forces of evil to us, and to our environment, people and things remain a real fact in the light of the power of Aleph Vav Mem.

Aleph Vav Mem protective horizon

The mem is the hieroglyph of the protected and protective horizon, the womb, the home, and everything that can be like a home: the school, for enthusiastic teachers and for students seeking guidance. The workplace for a devoted employee. The institution, for a model citizen; a sports team, for those who love to obey in sports.

And the Name of this Angel explains to us that it is precisely in this mem that he wants to enclose (waw) the energy (aleph) of all those born between 18 and 23 August. And it is in schools, institutions, workplaces, teams, and especially in their own homes that the proteges of this Domain can find their happiness and look with a sweet sense of security at what is out there.

And they do not like this at all, except to be able to comment on it calmly while watching the news. They are the columns (’omnah, in Hebrew) of the house, school, institution or office in which they have decided to consolidate. They feel responsible for all who live or work with them and when they are in the shelter of their beloved mem.

They know how to demonstrate deserving industriousness, exemplary generosity and dedication, genius, as well as an indestructible good humor. The sectors in which they give their best are naturally, in addition to school, those related to the economy and administration