Archangel Gabriel, one of the 7 archangels before God

Archangel Gabriel is among the most important Celestial Spirits. His name means – God is my strength – but he is often called the messenger of God. He is one of the seven angels who are always before God. His name is present in the Holy Scriptures in more than one episode.

In the Old Testament, he enlightens Daniel by allowing him to interpret the visions he had had. In the New Testament, he appears first to Zachariah, revealing to him the birth of his son John, and later to the Virgin Mary.

The difference between these two episodes of annunciation lies in Mary’s attitude. Zacharias does not believe, he has a thousand doubts and invokes signs. Zacharias becomes mute because he does not listen to the message coming from God. The Virgin Mary, on the contrary, welcomes the announcement of the archangel Gabriel with amazement but with faith.

All of us must learn from Mary to listen to the messages of the angels and to have faith. God always sends his angels to us to show us the way to make our life better, but we often don’t listen to them.

We do not stop, taken by the thousand things to do and by the continuous struggle against time. But if we don’t stop, if we don’t have a little silence, if we don’t pray and meditate, we too, like Zacharias, will be deaf to the call to happiness.

But we must not only listen but also believe and have faith in the messages of the angels, just like Mary. Sometimes we are so incredulous that we do not follow the messages we receive. A thousand questions, negative thoughts, and doubts assail us and contrast us with the angelic announcement.

Just as the archangel Gabriel brought the good news to Mary, the messages of the angels also herald joy and happiness. If this is not enough for you to have faith and trust, ask the archangel Gabriel for help.

We can entrust to Him our fears, our doubts, and our fears regarding the messages we receive. By invoking his help, our confidence will increase and it will be easier and easier to believe and follow the loving guidance of our beloved angels.

Furthermore, since the archangel Gabriel is known above all for the episodes narrated in the Bible and linked to the announcement of a new life, we can entrust to him children, families, pregnant women, and our own life.

Because when we pray and are available to welcome with faith and joy the messages that God sends us through his angels, we are born a second time and we walk towards the happiness that is due to us and that we so much desire.