Educating in intuition also means educating in creativity

Educating in intuition is the function through which the possibilities are perceived, that is, in how many different ways a thing can be done. It is also the presentiment, that is, the ability to anticipate what is not yet visible, the future potential of a situation.

Sensation perceives reality through the physical senses, intuition perceives through the unconscious. Intuition is in direct contact with the unconscious and receives flashes of genius, suggestions, artistic ideas from the unconscious.

Intuition is an image that comes from the unconscious and is reflected on the conscience as in a mirror. Since it comes from the unconscious where there is no time and space, it is able to grasp aspects and seeds of the future, it is able to perceive completely new ways of approaching a problem, it is able to grasp original solutions.

It is the creative ability of the artist who is in contact with the seeds of the future and with universal seeds that know how to speak to every man. Because they are images that correspond to very deep collective unconscious levels.

Educating in intuition, therefore, means fostering the ability to grasp the possibilities. That is, in how many possible ways an object can be used, how many different possibilities there are to tell an event, in how many different ways a feeling can be expressed.

It is also getting used to not becoming mentally rigid, not becoming fossilized, not becoming one-sided. Learn that things have multiple facets and can be viewed in multiple ways and from multiple angles. And that there are so many different possibilities to deal with problems, it will help to avoid getting stuck in difficult situations and always find a way out.

Educating in intuition also means teaching to trust oneself, one’s unconscious, one’s nature, one’s self. Be open to what can come from the richest and most precious part of us, where the most important treasures are and the center of our life.

It means being centered on the things that matter, being yourself, being more complete. This allows you to recognize the signs, symbols, lightning, premonitions, strange scents that indicate the way. Who gives the solution, who discover profound and unknown aspects.

It is one of the most precious teachings that a parent can give children because it is what allows them to learn to find solutions, to get in touch with the germs of the future, to create something new that never existed.

Educating to creativity

Creativity is not thinking about something different, new than what has already been done. It is not a rational invention or a social and political message expressed through an image.

True creativity is opening up and getting in touch with something unknown to oneself and to others. Something unknown from the past and present, something that is not owned by anyone.

It is letting oneself be crossed by something autonomous, vital, immediate, fulminating, and imperious that imposes itself and must absolutely be expressed. Image, idea, connection, feeling it may be, is a manifestation of the unconscious that has decided to reveal itself to that person and at that moment. It is a universal message that the artist can and must pass on to the world.

When the artist has a flash of genius, a fulminating representation is as if possessed by the autonomous and powerful energy that forces him to immediately produce the work. It is a vital center that takes and emanates collective archetypal energy and is characterized by an intense affective tonality. In fact, the artist does not know what he is doing on a rational level, he is totally taken by the affective tonality. Only at the end can he grasp the meaning of the work.