Extrasensory perception extends the limit of normality

Extrasensory perception has always fascinated the imagination, and according to the era or culture it was seen as a sign of divinity, demonic possession, or disease. Only in recent decades has science recognized that some abilities, albeit latent, are inherent in man.

Those who follow an evolutionary path await the manifestation of qualities considered superior, wishing to experience the expanded reality that derives from it. Sometimes, however, the tender gem of their presence is not recognized precisely because of what is expected, as the fullness of some capacities is so standardized – in the imagination – as to prevent the recognition of its intermediate expressions.

It is like seeing a tree only with fruit or flowers, and not in winter when it is stripped of all ornaments. Lacking this recognition, you lack the ability to develop more quickly what is most desired.

Anyone who notices its initial sprout has the happy opportunity to nourish it by observing its growth in full awareness. The awareness that allows this recognition is directly proportional to the awareness that one has towards all the manifestations of life. Within this process, on the other hand, there are involuntary attitudes that boycott what is sought with commitment and passion.

Extrasensory perception extends the boundaries

The fear that man has of the unknown and the uncontrollable is connected to his instinct for self-preservation. Normality is a rather arbitrary dividing line that delimits and separates the rational from the irrational, the acceptable from the unacceptable, the known from the unknown.

Normality is like a field plowed and sown year after year, well guarded and fenced so that wild animals and weeds do not jeopardize the expected yield. The paranormal is everything that can be seen beyond the fence, as far as the eye can see, beyond the horizon.

In reality, normality is Existence with its infinite myriad of transformations and differences, unpredictable developments, changes, and genetic modifications. What is usually defined as normal is a trivial and limited subset in the larger whole of the Whole.

Extending the limit of the concept of normality becomes inevitable, at some point along the way, wanting to expand awareness and perception. The extrasensory perception can develop only if it is not considered extraneous and different from supposed normality.

To do this, it is necessary to review those individual preconceptions about what is normal or abnormal, acceptable or unacceptable, true or false within one’s own experience. It cannot be simply an intellectual understanding, but rather a behavior in everyday life if we want to broaden the perception in reality and not in fantasy.

Extrasensory perception accepting the differences in life

Not accepting the differences of life and its manifestations as a normal and legitimate reality inhibits the expression of that diversity that you want to promote within yourself. Since man is one in himself and with the Whole, the projected fear returns as a reflex – in a game of interior and exterior mirrors – on every aspect of individual reality.

Those who want to express their potential must deal with the atavistic fear of the unknown – unpredictable and with its consistency parameter, then continuously and constantly expanding the limits of acceptance. Limits masked by habit and personal beliefs, often supported by an irrefutable and perfectly consistent logic.

Everything must be evaluated as an apparent, temporary, insubstantial, and susceptible to change aspect, in order not to lose the opportunity for greater experimentation and wisdom that Life always offers to those who rely on trust.

Extend the boundary of perception

The term perception indicates both the act and the effect of perceiving and is related to both the physical and mental aspects. It is an ambivalent word with multiple meanings, even if its use is particularly used in philosophy and physiology.

Perception is given by stimuli mediated both by the five physical senses and by their corresponding subtle senses. Therefore it is the elaborated perception that defines the reality conceived by each.