Fear of God Meditation with the Angel Damabiah

Fear of God is understood as an awareness of how much everything is connected. Abusing someone is like sticking your fingers into an electrical outlet, being hit by an electric shock that otherwise would not have hurt us. It is therefore not electricity that should be feared, but action that can put us in dangerous contact with it.

Fear of God is the awareness of the future consequences of our actions. According to Kabbalah, the name Damabiah provides the power to carefully evaluate things in their reality.

Meditation Fear of God

Now focus your vision on the Hebrew letters of the root of the name Damabiah. Without thinking about anything else, breathe, letting yourself be deeply and long permeated by its meaning, pronounce this intention. In my heart, I become aware of the divine spark present in every being. I perceive the consequence of every word and every action, I understand that sharing with others also provides me with precise direct consequences.

At the root of the name, Damabiah is the concept – What I can give is locked in the house. The Damabiah person is often like a beautiful ship standing at the dock. It could set sail as soon as possible because there is nothing here that can serve it, while beyond the horizon it will find new lands and riches. But by some strange spell, the ship stays here. The captain is terrified of shipwrecks and every time the ship ventured out there was something wrong, and it had to come back hastily.

The months, the years go by. The ship risks becoming a monument to lost opportunities, a warning to anyone who sees it – Don’t be like me. And the crew lives off small jobs in the docks and in the port offices. It looks like a nightmare, yes, and the Damabiahs know it well. But they must or have had to overcome that spell, to discover their authentic qualities and immense possibilities.

And what is scarier? get out of the port and abandon everything you used to get used to. Or hold on to the emotion that the deep sea, the flat horizon, the night without human lights arouse? For the Damabiahs, this choice easily becomes a cause for panic. But the depth and immensity that terrify them so much are, of course, within themselves.

The sea is only the image of their potential and the power of their feelings – which they feel to be boundless – and of their wonderful desire for freedom. That as soon as they think of it, it seems to accelerate in them like the inertia of someone who is falling. They dare not trust, not out of cowardice, but out of a very special form of avarice. The thing is, they don’t want to spend it. They love themselves too much.

The waters of the port are like the mirror of water in which Narcissus was contemplated. On the high seas and on other continents – in the eyes of other people, in someone else’s heart – they might find many very interesting things. But they should give up those infinite shades of tenderness they feel at home. When they contemplate their eyes, their heart, in their usual setting: habits, family, friends. – Whoever turns back is not worthy of the Kingdom of heavenJesus warned.

Very skilled in making laces and blackmail on purpose, they can list a thousand reasons not to leave. Inconstancy, desire for meditation, repugnance for practicality, extravagance, volubility. Insufficient approval and encouragement from relatives or teachers, delusions, superstitions, grudges, feelings of guilt, duties, affections, credits, debts, promises. But these are only pretexts.

To prevent themselves from going out to sea they also resort to plagiarism and are just as good at choosing partners to chain them. At the same time, they mobilize all their very agile, quirky, and stubborn intelligence. Not to let anyone open their eyes to the damage they are doing to themselves.

On the other hand, during their life in port, they can become excellent interior decorators. Lovers of tradition and experts in all the intricacies of the domestic or domesticated soul. Among the most famous Damabiahs not sailed are Boris Pasternak. Which in Doctor Zhivago tells of a hero who did not know how to get on the ships that offered him destiny.

Georges Simenon, with his splendid gallery of homemade crimes, of deadly trap houses, of lives, lived and destroyed in the home. Edison, who coincidentally invented the very object that would become almost indispensable in homes around the world, the electric light bulb.