Haziel Guardian Angel is a kind of love machine, it is an angel incessantly emanating love and friendship, thanks to which we can love and make ourselves loved, and through which every guilt is forgiven. Thanks to his gift, our Karma can be quickly renewed and lightened.
When we pray to him and invoke his energy, he can solve anguished and disturbing events. Through the intercession of Haziel Guardian Angel, people will meet godparents and godmothers in their lives, who, feeling towards them alive feelings of friendship and affection, will facilitate and help them in human affairs.
Providential occasions will manifest themselves continuously, on the condition of seeking reconciliation always and everywhere and not the struggle, the dispute. Through the invocation to Haziel, it will always be possible to obtain, for good purposes, the sincere friendship of influential people, reconciliation with offended persons, forgiveness, and even the definitive forgetting of faults and errors.
Whoever is born under the influence of this angel has the grace and mercy of God, because he knows how to understand and not judge the errors of others. He knows that painful experiences happen so that every day-to-day victory is valued.
It also has the protection of the eldest and most influential people, for their brilliant performance in performing important works. In the most difficult times, you will have divine providence. It will favor justice-related issues, such as commutation and reduction of sentences, probation, and others. Loyal, companion, great friend, the nobility of character reigns within.
His growth is continuous and he is sure that despite the obstacles, he will always get a deserved triumph over any situation. Always forgive even the most grievous offenses, transmuting into positive negative karma that may be accumulated. You will not feel guilty or will ask for forgiveness for your money or consumer goods because everything was achieved by the strength of your work.
Money will not be a problem in your life, and you can even give away fortunes if you have to give up your ideals. You will appreciate art and beauty will be a protector of the movie world. Your spirituality will be achieved through awareness.
Haziel Prayer – Psalm 25:6