Michael Archangel Prince of the Heavenly Hosts

Michael Archangel Prince of the Archangels has always been beloved, well known, and revered, as he is at the head of the angelic hosts (Rev. 12: 7): also called the Firmament of the Stars (Isaiah 40:26) is the immense energy that constantly arranges all the Angelic Forces in the fight against the Forces of Evil.

With his sword he pierces the dragon and pierces the darkness, defeating the darkness, he is therefore the protector from the snares of the dark forces. In the archaic Roman canon, he is called the Holy Angel, with a singular collective that includes all the holy angels.

Archetypes of him are all the mythical figures who challenge and defeat, the dragon. His central role as leader of the Celestial armies makes him the winner of the Beast and the ultimate winner of all battles. His appearance as a victorious warrior earns him the devotion of all armies, from the most archaic times to the present day.

In the Christian tradition, from the vision with which he appeared to Constantine before the battle against Maxentius, showing the flaming cross with the inscription – In hoc signo vinces – Michael comes down to us as Prince of the Celestial Militias, Warrior and Defender of the Light, usually depicted in the act of imposing one’s control on the forces of Evil and Chaos.

Michael Archangel Prince of the Archangels

All Archangels have a strong element in their nature, which is very important to remember. This not only symbolizes their power but reminds us that it is their task, among the celestial Hierarchies, to understand (and make them understood), that is, to surround, in order to finally be able to annihilate, to get out of the way. So we too, inevitably, in order to go beyond, can only overcome what we have truly understood before.

Archangel Michael is the head of the Archangels, who are the guardians of the divine archetypes and directly oversee the activity of the angels placed in the custody of every single creature. As regards humanity, it is their task to stimulate our practical sense in a primary way.

According to anthroposophy they also have the broader task of harmoniously coordinating the life of the individual with that of larger collectivities. For example, by promoting the connection between people, peoples, races, and the whole of humanity.

Michael Archangel Prayer

Archangel Michael defends us in the battle against the perfidy and the snares of the devil be you our support.
May God exercises his dominion over him, we supplicants pray to Him!

And you, Prince of the celestial militias, cast Satan and the other evil spirits, who roam the world to the perdition of souls, into hell. O Archangel Saint Michael, defend us in combat so that we do not perish in the terrible day of Judgment.