Mitzrael 60th Kabbalah Angel Meditation Prayer

Mitzrael 60th Kabbalah Angel exhorts to build, bringing to fulfillment the inner inspirations in the matter. Because to build solidly you need to be solid and balanced. He urges you to develop these qualities and to draw on his energies for help.

The qualities developed by this Angel are a refinement of spirit, ingenuity, taste for good, and beauty. Physical and intellectual health, moral rigor, mastery of emotions. The defects that he contrasts are absurdity, insubordination, obstinacy, arrogance, paranoia, stupidity.

In fact, the Shadow Angel that contrasts the works of Angel 60, represents the ideas of persecution. It causes revolt, insubordination, paranoid thoughts, negatively affects all qualities of the body and spirit. It instills distraction and a lack of attention for others. Prayer to one’s Guardian Angel defends those born in this period from falling into these risks and defects.

Freedom – Meditation with Mitzrael 60th Kabbalah Angel

The intuition on which to meditate is that in our unconscious something binds us to the slavery we believe we want to free ourselves from, the fear of freedom that winds through the Jewish people in the episode of the escape from Egypt. It represents the ego’s tendency to shun inner growth, to eternally take refuge in some moral bondage. The vibration of this Name restores vigor to the inner impulses of liberation.

Now focusing your vision on the Hebrew letters of the root of the Name Mitzrael. Without thinking about anything else, breathe letting yourself be deeply and long permeated by its meaning, pronounce this intention. I perceive the balance and harmony that oversee Creation, and I also recognize it in the hardships and trials that existence imposes on us. I call for the strength to overcome all these tests, to break the chains of the ego, and gain the courage to go through the changes.

Mitzrael 60th Kabbalah Angel is the Guardian Angel of people born January 16-20. Other days of his presence are 8 March-20 May-4 August-16 October-27 December. He rules, every day, as an angel of the mission, from 7.40 pm to 8.00 pm. This is the optimal time to request Angel’s help with traditional prayer – Psalm 145 verse 17