Mutual love prayer – Lord You Are Love

Mutual love prayer for life together

Lord, You are Love.
We thank You for the happiness
and the love of our common life,
we want to live them as your gift.

Teach us to progress the one
through the other under your gaze,
to do your will every day of our life,
to submit our projects to you,
to offer you our joys and our sorrows,
to abandon ourselves to your providence.

Help us overcome all difficulties
and misunderstandings,
so the union and the love between us will grow
every day more and in them, we will find You.

Our love, our joy,
our availability bring to our brothers and sisters
encouragement and stimulus
and are for the mission accomplished together
an effective contribution to your glory as a Father.


Mutual love prayer for the family

Lord, give to our family
peace, joy, and blessing.
Help us to love each other,
to be generous and welcoming,

to respect and help us in every need,
to enjoy the little things,
to be hardworking,
to forgive one another,

ready to listen to each other,
beware of your voice,
that calls us to grow in love
to make our life precious.


Mutual love prayer for the newlyweds

It is in front of you, Lord, that we got married.
You are a God of love. You love the spouses who love each other.
Give us to love us more every day.

There are days when this seems easy,
but there are others where we struggle
to find each other and to live in trust.

Do that, seeing us live, our children and friends
understand that love exists and that it comes from you.

We pray for our children,
you entrusted them to us to grow
and discover you through us.
Father, teach us to love like you.


Because you, Lord, are good and forgive
great in love for those who call upon you – Psalm 86:5