Nithael Guardian Angel dispenses the energies of Venus in the choir of the Principalities Angels. It is, therefore, an angel bringing beauty, art, and sensitivity. In fact, it dominates artistic and aesthetic talents, it is considered the guardian angel who helps to perceive the nobility of heart.
And can also dispense a capacity for regeneration that helps to preserve youth in itself – gives center, the ability to welcome others helps to achieve celebrity and prestige. Nithael Angel infuses beauty, delicacy, grace, artistic sense, and all the powers emanating from the Life Turbines of the Right Column of the Tree of Life.
People will bring these values to the material world, which thanks to them will reflect them in a shining, dazzling way because this Angel grants protected people the command over the spiritual forces of this column. The power is available to King Solomon.
Nithael Angel ensures the friendship of lucky people, which fosters prosperity in general, moral, and material. It can also be said that Nithael is the angel of money, understood as social and worldly power. The person will love beautiful things and elegance.
But unfortunately, not everyone understands the true nature of these gifts, which are only a symbol and reflection of shining goods, and must be used to bring common well-being and spiritual light. It may, therefore, happen that many born under this angel, misunderstand it, end up thus attaching themselves to material goods and their conservation, and it is at this juncture that the fallen angel opposed to Nithael has the possibility of exerting his negative influence.
Nithael Guardian Angel
Whoever is born under this influence will be celebrated for all that he writes and for his eloquence. He will have a great reputation, will be distinguished by his merits and virtues, obtaining the confidence to occupy important positions in the government as well as in private companies.
He will be predestined to assume command posts because of his broad vision to understand things and to guard against evil. It will be the very personification of good, order, justice, and legality.
With a strong personality, great authority, and prestige, he will centralize the angelic functions on Earth. It will dominate the spiritualistic and metaphysical field. He is endowed with a faculty that only the special people possess, can turn into reality anything he wants.
He will enthusiastically defend good versus evil and be discreet when making judgments or offering spiritual guidance. It will be different since childhood, standing out for its beauty and grace in walking, dressing, and speaking. His aura is resplendent and his rule is that of beauty and goodness.
Nithael Prayer – Psalm 102:19 Dominus in coelo paravit sedem suam; et regnum ipsius omnibus dominabitur. Nithael Meaning – King of Heaven.