Prosperity theology teaches that God wants us to win

Prosperity theology teaches that God wants us to win, Always. A certain false idea of ​​Christianity has accustomed us to despise money. The Theology of Prosperity, of Protestant origin, is of the opposite opinion. Prosperity Theology teaches that everyone has the right to economic well-being because physical and spiritual reality are seen as inseparable.

It is not bad to ask God for money and prosperity. A doctrine in contrast with Christian churches which teach a false concept of poverty. Poverty is actually the detachment of the heart from material things, not misery and mediocrity. If a man or a woman is successful – they earn very well and with this money they employ others and do good – God is very happy with that.

He only waits for those who have faith and ask Him the same thing to fill him with his favor and open doors for him that are impossible for men. Money is just a medium that amplifies what the person already is. With a lot of money you can give work to others, you can carry out projects that are useful to millions of people, you can set up philanthropic foundations, research centers and universities, set up university faculties, etc.

According to a new study by an American social research institute, there is a relationship between personal economic well-being and religious faith. Wealth and religion would be inversely proportional.

The more religious countries are those with a higher rate of poverty and vice versa, while the richer ones are more prone to atheism. The only exception is the United States of America, where despite the high wealth, 54% of the population affirms the great importance of religion in their lives.

In the sociological text – Sacred and popular. Religion and politics in the globalized world – the authors point out that participation in religious practices records higher rates among people who are more uncertain economically and who face more health and poverty problems.

In the general hypothesis, the decline in the value of religion, faith, and religious activities depends on the long-term change in existential security. With the process and progress of human development, the importance of religion in the life of individuals gradually decreases.