Sachiel Archangel Money Prayer

Sachiel represents opulence, majesty, wealth, physical well-being, prestige, money. Sachiel is very generous and does not disdain to help humans achieve well-being. If in the destiny of a man wealth is considered harmful to his spiritual evolution, if poverty is a test that must be overcome because wealth has lived badly, there will be no supplication or invocation that will move Sachiel or any other Angel. Only the person with his will, overcoming the trials he will encounter on his path, will be able to change his destiny.

Sachiel and his Angels are the careful dispensers of energy money since money as blood is real lifeblood. Its circulation must take place in a balanced manner, as for all fluids within the human body, without stagnation, without deficiencies, and without bleeding.

Today very few know the existence, is often depicted with a cornucopia from which pours on the planet and its inhabitants, rose petals and gold coins. In fact, it is a dispenser of fortune, an abundance of wealth in all its aspects, in money, in agricultural crops, the majesty of the rulers, the splendor of the temples and the residences, the prestige.

His presence instills hope, well-being, helps fight depression, sadness, discomfort. Sachiel Archangel bestows gifts according to laws that are incomprehensible to us but within precise limits set by karma. Poverty or wealth are trials to be overcome, and each living being is free to choose how.

We humans do not understand that there is a precise design even in the winnings of the billionaire lotteries. At the very moment when the winning ticket is printed, already invisible wires begin to connect it to its lucky owner, wherever it is … The sudden wealth will be an important test for him, the good or bad use that will make money will mark, indelibly, his destiny.

It is not true that money is connected to the devil, but it is instead a solidified form of energy and as such can be used in a positive or negative way. Money, like blood, is real lifeblood that must flow smoothly and harmoniously, without deficiencies, without stagnation or hemorrhage.

The energy-money must flow freely among all peoples, this too is part of the New Age‘s purpose in which just and right human relations must be extended and consolidated among all men; in this colossal work, Sachiel Archangel assists us and puts us to the test. In its highest aspect, the presence of Archangel Sachiel awakens solidarity, generosity, and an altruistic spirit in the human heart.

Sachiel is the patron of bankers, administrators, money changers, stockbrokers, accountants, politicians, and all those who work to improve the economic level of humanity. Unfortunately, it has not met a lot of understanding on the part of the humans who try to hoard without giving anything back, but with the new ability to understand, there is still a lot of space to collaborate. Symbolically it is a bearer of fertility and acts on the Earth by covering it with herbs, flowers, and fruits. He is also the guardian of the animal kingdom to which he ensures fertility and well-being.

Sachiel Prayer

Archangel Sachiel, I address my prayer to you
you can satisfy my right desire for money.
I want it for …. (say the reason)
not because I am eager for luxury or because I want to live above my normal possibilities. Archangel of money, make possible and materialize my desires, send me the good fortune that I will share with those who need it!