Covid 19 Prayer to Almighty God

Covid-19 is moving forward but God can stop it. We must have faith in God and pray. Jesus promised that we will obtain whatever we ask with faith in prayer (Matthew 21:22). We have to keep it until the coronavirus is completely eradicated. Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find (Matthew 7: 7-12). For several days then we will pray at home, in the workplace, in churches, wherever we are.

Almighty and eternal God from whom the whole universe receives energy, existence, and life, we come to you to invoke your mercy, for today we still experience the fragility of the human condition in the experience of a new viral epidemic.

We believe that it is you who leads the course of human history and that your love can change our destiny for the better, whatever our human condition may be.

For this reason, we entrust the sick and their families to you, for the paschal mystery of your Son gives salvation and relief to their body and their spirit.

It helps each member of society to carry out their task, strengthening the spirit of mutual solidarity.

Support doctors and health workers, educators, and social workers in carrying out their service.

You who are comforted in fatigue and support in weakness, through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary and of all the holy doctors and healers, remove all evil from us.

Free us from the epidemic that is affecting us so that we can return calmly to our usual occupations and praise you and thank you with a renewed heart.

In you we trust, and we raise our petition for Christ our Lord.


Prayer to eradicate Covid-19 (Coronavirus disease 2019)

Lord Jesus, look at us and all humanity afflicted by this new epidemic that is already sowing suffering and death in every corner of the earth.

We humbly ask you, defend us from this terrible disease that is affecting humanity.

Do not allow this new virus called to turn into a massacre of the innocent but free from suffering and evil all those who come into contact with the new evil or are infected.

It makes sure that the effectiveness of preventive treatments, such as the vaccine and other medical and pharmaceutical coverages, can bring benefits before the virus attacks an increasing number of healthy or already sick people.

Let us entrust this humble prayer of yours to your Fatherly, through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the health of the sick, and of all our patron saints.

Let us not suffer from this and from so many new diseases that put anxiety and concern in the hearts of your children, so weak, fragile, and fearful in the face of the many evils and sufferings of our time and this generation of ours.


COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)