Curse evolution and symptoms in three stages

The curse in the three stages of its evolution is very important for a healer to understand. Because it allows him to interpret and identify the symptoms accused by the people who have suffered the curse so that a perfect diagnosis can be made and therefore remedied. The curse that has been carried out by envious or evil people has its maturation which develops in three stages called degrees.

Curse first stage – Incubation

This is that period when the spell is cast and matures but in a hidden way so its effect is not yet noticed. But what happens to the person to whom the spell was sent at this stage?

In practice, in this phase the person does not feel any symptoms, but it is the astral form of him that is contaminated and it is in this phase that the curse will expand and will tend to branch out in an ever-deeper way. At this stage it is not easy for the healer to notice the existence of a curse. Only with a lot of experience and attention to detail can he verify existence.

Second phase of the curse

The person will begin to feel the effects caused by the spell that was sent to him, which can be of love or hatred. In this phase, the affected person will suffer the following symptoms – headache, sudden outbursts, nightmares, dizziness, oppression, listlessness, etc. Furthermore, the person affected in this phase can even change his habits of life, in feelings if the curse is of love, in health if instead, the curse is of destruction.

Curse phase of irreversibility

The situation begins to become more serious and complicated, in the case of health the symptoms begin with mental problems which then lead to real illnesses. In love, the subject is so taken by the other person that he will seem obsessed with him to the point that he no longer hears the voice of reason.

He comes to be mean to his family and even comes to repudiate his wife and children. But this in the strongest spells of course we are talking about high level magic here. But even in spells more
mild obsession with the other person is evident albeit not in
however, there is an exaggerated way.

This third phase is also called the irreversibility phase. That is, once a subject reaches this stage it is much more difficult to free him from evil, or at least not every time his success can be guaranteed.

Let us remember that making a diagnosis of the situation is very important, this allows you to act in a timely manner and save the subject from the inconveniences that disturb him. But it is good to know that it is not easy to untie a curse. Only a person with great experience and technique can do it, and in some cases, there would be difficulties and a percentage of failure unfortunately for her.