Laviah Angel 17 Meditation Prayer

Laviah Angel Name means Admirable God. The qualities developed by Laviah Angel are the love of knowledge and understanding of the truth of the higher worlds, calm, serenity, intuition, friendship, artistic inspiration. He gives access to higher education, research, and discoveries in the scientific field, or a penchant for the arts, especially music.

Amaniel is the name of the Angel of the Abyss who contrasts the actions of Laviah Angel on earth. It represents the evil snare, inspires heresy and atheism, hatred towards spirituality, and religious expressions. It causes a sense of failure, low self-esteem, agitation, insomnia, night fears.

Laviah Angel Meditation – Escape Routes

His power banishes diabolical traces by neutralizing all hostile energies and purifying the environment in which one operates. According to Kabbalah, the vibration of this name gives detachment from material things and from the attachments of the Ego that cause suffering. It therefore provides the most effective meditative tool to allow one’s true self to blossom freely.


Now focus the vision on the Name Laviah, without thinking about anything else, breathe letting yourself be deeply and long permeated by its meaning, pronounce this intention. For the power of this name, I draw on the greatest of escape routes. The escape from my own ego-based desires, from any selfish inclination, and from the ego mentality above all. Thus I gain the truth of life and lasting gifts, family, friendship, and fulfillment.

Laviah Angel Exhortation

This Angel exhorts the person to develop their inner gifts and then to externalize their knowledge and achievements to collaborate in human evolution by transmitting the revelations received to the world.

Laviah or Laoviah Guardian Angel of those born between 11 and 15 June. Other days of his presence are April 6, June 20, September 3, November 14, January 25.

During the day from 5.20 am to 5.40 am
Element – Air
Zodiacal domicile from 21st to 25th of Gemini


Love – In the couple, one will love the past, and the other the future. To love each other, it will be necessary to combine the past and the future in the present. The couple’s sacrifices to serve relatives will also be a source of Love and happiness. Love in renouncing privileges, in helping those who need them.

Money – Big dreams. Symbolic dreams, great illusions, utopian imaginations, which will become economic realities, profitable successes. Their interiority is rich, opulent, and must pour out. Ability to interpret the Message of dreams well, their own dream imaginations, and those of powerful characters.

Health – Laviah protects the whole body, but especially the circulatory system, legs, calves and ankles. He promotes blood purification and encourages walking and cycling in the open air

Career – Successful in everything related to the pharmacy. Workers, employees or directors in pharmaceutical companies, especially tranquilizers. She has also succeeded as psychologists who provide rules for sleeping well, for living well in calm. Important, intense inner work to calm oneself by listening to the noises of the world.

Esoteric initiation-All the mysteries of the world are revealed by this Angel to a person by dreamlike means. Also, musical inspiration. They possess Knowledge, and, when they make it known, they will receive an excess of Light

Laviah Angel Prayer

Laviah Angel of revelations,
I have seven to learn, to know.
Take my hand, Lord, because without you
I don’t know how to go forward
nor perfect me, to perfect
my human work.
Grant me your blessing
and I will undertake to reveal
your revelations to others
of happiness and success, of joy and peace