Leuviah 19th Kabbalah Angel Meditation Prayer

Leuviah 19th Kabbalah Angel Name hides the concept I cross one boundary after another. So the momentum it gives people goes in the only direction of ever new goals. As if their mind and soul were found locked in a sphere. And all of a sudden they felt it too narrow, and crossed it, only to soon discover another sphere that imprisons them. Then another and another, and so on ad infinitum, exploring and leaving behind increasingly larger and more exciting spheres.

Being afraid of all that is restricted, the people protected by Leuviah Angel 19th love fields that require constant self-overcoming, and of all the best for them is that of art. What can give them happiness is in fact always finding new ideas, new forms, and new aspects of themselves and the surrounding world, freely and without rigid working hours.

Even better if by writing, painting, or using the camera, they identify themes and stories of insubordination, escape, or tragedies and tragicomedies of trapped men, as in certain Billy Wilder films – Sunset Boulevard, Some Like It Hot. It is better to learn to tell similar stories than to have to live them.

Those who do not have the courage and perseverance to become artists fall into the temptation to feel in their daily existence, protagonists of heroic events. Unrealized and misunderstood, always suffering from the gap between everyday life and their aspirations. They begin to fantasize by advancing more and more into some of their silent and secret worlds, sometimes manic, always melancholy, and crossed by flashes of burning envy for those who have dared more than them.

Leuviah 19th Kabbalah Angel Meditation – Calling God

The power to connect our soul to the Divine is attributed to this Name. Meditating on this Name gives us the enthusiasm and inspiration to become able to follow our true spiritual inclinations. To access universal consciousness and be in harmony with it.

The 19th angel of Kabbalah holds the knowledge of our cellular memories and gives access to universal memory. It allows us to adhere to the divine imprint, choosing the path suitable for our life. Providing the necessary intelligence and memory for essential things, capable of selecting and discarding all that is superfluous.

Now, focus your vision on the Name Leuviah, without thinking about anything else breathe, letting yourself be deeply and long permeated by its meaning, pronounce this intention. By virtue of this Name, I am now connected. With absolute confidence, I trust in the certainty that my prayers are answered.

Leuviah 19th Kabbalah Angel how to summon him

Leuviah 19th Kabbalah Angel is the Guardian Angel of people born June 22-26. Other days of his presence are April 8, June 22, September 5, November 16, January 27. He is present every day from 6.00 am to 6.20 am. This is the best time to ask for his help. To evoke Leuviah Angel 19 it is enough simply to Verse 2 of Psalm 39.