Angel 57 Nemamiah Symbol of Prosperity and Evolution

Angel 57 Nemamiah, a symbol of prosperity and evolution
If you are of the Zodiac sign Capricorn and were born between January 1 and 5, your Guardian Angel is Nemamiah. Number 57 out of the 72 protecting angels, symbolizes prosperity. Learn how to summon it and all its characteristics

Nemamiah means praiseworthy God and is deserving of his great dedication. A feminine angel, he has a militant character, he is indeed courageous, autonomous and respectful of the laws. This guardian angel rules on discernment and has a great taste for life.

The natives protected by Nemamiah have an innate knack for strategy as well as analysis and are easily successful at problem-solving. Success and prosperity are therefore at the heart of these people. The mind is then developed and you can devote yourself to many causes that are important to you. The robustness it offers allows natives to be particularly combative.

Why summon Angel 57 Nemamiah

You can call upon Nemamiah if you have relationship problems, as he corrects communication difficulties during arguments, for example. Particularly vigorous, your guardian angel protects you from blows of fatigue or moments of doubt. Thanks to him, the origin of the problems never remains in doubt thanks to a detailed analysis of the environment. You can also summon Nemamiah if you want more prosperity in your life.

The Angel 57 Nemamiah grants

A fine strategic analysis
Strength in the face of hardship
Lucky in the workplace
Quick adaptation to changes

How to summon Angel 57 Nemamiah

If Nemamiah is your Guardian Angel, his days and hours of regency are March 5, May 17, August 1, October 14, and December 25 between 6:40 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.

Angel Nemamiah!
Since I must direct the strategy of my battles in the Society, may Love and Beauty be my goals, Lord!

Help me, Nemamiah! so that there is no other purpose, no other project, in me, than that of building on Earth, the archetype that already exists in Heaven.

Give me the courage to face my responsibilities, and lucidity to get things done on time, without haste, without skipping steps, although without unnecessary pauses.

I want to struggle and advance towards the Promised Land, but keep me, Angel Nemamiah, from the temptation to enter it in anticipation, for my first duty is to succeed, here and now, with your providential help.
