Crying is an effective way to throw out strong emotions

Crying is still often seen as a sign of weakness, but that’s not the case. In reality, one must be brave to let our worries slip away along with the tears. We are born crying as a sign of vitality, as children we often cry, it is our most effective way to communicate pain or discomfort, or fear. As we grow up we learn to control ourselves, we no longer cry, we hold back. In reality, crying is the most effective way to throw out strong emotions, tension, even joy, and emotion.

The only ones who cry for emotional reasons are we humans. The birth of crying linked to emotions represented a fundamental evolutionary step in the history of man. One more reason to never be ashamed of crying. We should never block our crying or interpret it as a sign of weakness.

In many cultures, including ours, crying is considered a sign of weakness. In fact, several studies show that on average men cry once a month. While women cry at least five times a month, especially before and during the menstrual cycle. When crying can increase up to fivefold, often for no obvious reason (such as depression or sadness).

Various environmental factors that happen to us in life are perceived and reach the deepest areas of our brain. Here they are interpreted and connected to emotions. Even an element already present in our memory or thought can arouse emotions. Intense emotion can activate the tear glands through the vegetative peripheral nervous system, causing the crying.

Crying in children

Crying is an important way to communicate before you know how to speak. Babies cry a lot and sometimes understanding the reasons for their crying can be difficult. The first thing to do absolutely is to stay calm. In fact, the child immediately perceives the anxiety and nervousness that often afflict parents exasperated by his crying.

This doesn’t help but it makes the situation worse. Crying can be a request for attention, especially for contact with the mother. Or it can be a sign of fatigue or over-stimulation.

It is useful to gently caress him and he will understand that he is no longer alone. Sudden movements should be avoided because they frighten him. Take the baby in your arms gently, but with a firm grip. Babies hate being tossed around, so use both hands – one behind the head, the other under the bottom.

Rock him, massage him, talk to him. Place the baby in contact with the skin. Turn off the lights, keep the environment quiet. This helps calm you down too. Say reassuring words in a low and sweet voice, hum songs you like, try giving him a bath.

Crying in adults

Like children, we adults cry when we are lashed by physical or psychological pain. We cry, for an important loss or for a serious frustration. When anxiety, fatigue or stress are excessive and unbearable. Or to free our soul from worries and troubles.

Tears of emotion are sweet and welcome when we attend a moving and poignant TV or theatrical show. In the same way, crying is certainly pleased when our emotions are stimulated by intense joy.

But in our society, crying is a kind of taboo: those who cry are considered weak, without the strength to control themselves, to bear and face reality. It is no coincidence that the only tears tolerated are those of children or, according to a dying stereotype, of women. It is as if we have forgotten how important crying is in certain situations, its power, and the many functions it possesses.

Crying therapy

Crying is a natural physical reaction of our body to pain, sadness, fear, and sometimes even joy. If we block this reaction, we cannot fully express our emotions. We must keep in mind that crying is therapeutic, it is liberating, it is a real healing tool. So when we feel that our heart is hurt, we should cry without making too much trouble.

It helps us to convey emotions, to let them emerge on the outside. These emotions otherwise risk accumulating and making us suffer even more. Furthermore, if we continue to keep our state of mind hidden from people close to us, communicating with them will become increasingly complicated, especially if they are making us suffer.

Emotions are fundamental in our lives, both when we consider the positive and when they seem negative to us. Sadness is actually important because it allows us to react in the face of suffering and then to better enjoy moments of joy. Trying not to cry and hiding emotions can become a form of self-destruction. It doesn’t matter how heavy the situation we are experiencing.

When we are suffering, we let the tears flow and thus express our frustration, resentment, anger, anxiety, thoughts that torment us. With a healthy, liberating cry we will drive them away from us. After we cry, we will feel better, everything will be over and we will almost be able to smile at what made us suffer. Crying will make us feel better and with a peaceful soul. We can better make the best decisions for ourselves and move on. After crying, we will feel free and find a smile again.