Dominions Angels Names and Archangel Prince

Dominions Angels are placed within the second angelic hierarchy, ruled by the Archangel Tsadkiel or Zadkiel. According to Christian Angeology, they are the fourth of the nine angelic choirs. The Dominions They are considered of dominant quality, they ensure that the will of the Lord is fulfilled in all celestial beings. They aspire to true sovereignty.

They awaken the strength in man to overcome the inner enemy. The Prince of this category Tsadkiel helps in emergencies and processes of all kinds, he is the prince of prophecy and inspiration. He brings transformative ideas to accomplish the goals of weak and discouraged people.

This hierarchy was established by the Pseudo Dionysus Areopagite in the 5th century, who based his theory on various books of the New Testament, Letter to the Ephesians and Letter to the Colossians.

St. Paul refers to this class of angels in the list of supernatural powers subjected to Jesus Christ, thus emphasizing his power and his position over all creation.

These are medical angels, their mission is to help achieve dominion over the passions, thus achieving the balance of the elements in themselves.

If you need help with health-related issues, they don’t hesitate to help. They facilitate the regulation of cardiac functions, that is, they favor the heart.

Characteristics of the Angels Dominions

They have the task of transmitting the knowledge and techniques necessary to be able to carry out healings. Both for humans and for the Earth itself, and in the animal, plant, or mineral kingdom.
Among their missions is that of protecting hospitals and places of meditation. They encourage the development of ideas, especially divine ideas.

The Angels Dominions are celestial beings who govern the activities of all those angelic groups that are inferior to them. They enhance beauty, music, education, art, love, wisdom.

Dominions Names

25 – Nithaiah or Nith-Haiah Guardian Angel from 23 to 27 July
26 – Haaiah Guardian Angel from July 28th to August 1st
27 – Yerathel Guardian Angel from 2 to 6 August
28 – Seheiah Guardian Angel from 7 to 12 August
29 – Reiyel Guardian Angel from 13 to 17 August
30 – Omael Guardian Angel from 18 to 22 August
31- Lecabel Guardian Angel, from 23 to 28 August
32 – Vasariah Guardian Angel from 29 August to 2 September