Healing Angels exude powerful healing energy

Healing Angels are able to heal emotional wounds, love relationships, physical wounds, and the relationship we have with ourselves. Angels of healing are also able to free us from addictions of any kind. Since they are made of light energy, there are no restrictions on what they can heal.

Healing Angel work directly with their powerful healing energy, but also make use of the material help of someone close to us. Like a friend, a doctor, or a person who suddenly appears in our life.

All you have to do to bring their angelic energy into your life is to ask! Just like any spiritual guide, they will not interfere with your free will. After invoking them it is possible that you will feel a tingling or warmth in the chakra related to your theme.

Healing Angels, Emotional Healing

If you want emotional healing, you can invoke them before going to bed. While we sleep, we are more open to angelic ideas and guidance. When our thigh mind is at rest, our soul is able to receive messages and healings with ease. Emotional healing is very important.

If old traumas or negative emotions are not released, they get stuck in our energy field and eventually cause physical problems. So if your energy is blocked or you are processing difficult emotions, you can ask Angels to help you release it into sleep.

Healing Angels, Ask and you will be granted

If you are in therapy, ask the angels to facilitate healing. They will make sure that the treatments you need to follow are more effective. If you need to see a doctor, ask them to let you see the right doctor for you. There is no limit to the Healing Power and the help that Healing Angels can provide, the only thing you have to do is ask.

Angels are known to be messengers and protectors, but you need to know that what they give off is powerful healing energy. Angels are made of unconditional love and energy. So the angels are literally made of the healing component of energy medicine, the energy of light.

All angels are able to bring our mind or body into balance. The angels of healing have the main task of handling any type of healing. These celestial beings are just waiting to be called to your side.

Healing Angel Prayer

Greeting to you Angels of healing.
Come to our aid.
Put your healing energy on these brothers of ours.
Fill every cell of theirs with life force.
Give each of their nerve peace.
Appease their tortured senses.

The wave of life that rises from you brings warmth and healing to every fiber While the body and soul are refreshed by your healing power.
May an Angel remain next to them who watches, who comforts, who protects, until health returns.
An Angel who repels all evil and accelerates the return of strength or accompanies to Peace.
Greetings to you Angels of healing!
Come to our aid, share with us the labors of the Earth so that man awakens to God!