Manakel 66th Kabbalah Angel Meditation Prayer

Manakel 66th Kabbalah Angel urges us to go beyond what we see, to understand the life that is hidden under material forms. He invites us to cultivate the ability to read dreams and to distinguish between good and evil in order to put them at the service of the world. Manakel 66th Kabbalah Angel qualities are openness and benevolence towards others, good character, and stability. Sense of Justice, ability to discern between good and evil.

Agibol is the name of the dark angel who counteracts the actions of the 66th angel on earth. It represents violence and guilt. It causes dislike and all bad qualities, both physical and moral.

Manakel 66th Kabbalah Angel Meditation – Responsibility

The profound insight it can give us is that by its very nature existence is a source of pain. But in the face of wounds, we can react by clinging to suffering, or by trusting in the divine plan, and accelerate healing by regaining confidence. According to Kabbalah, the vibrations of this Name emanate the energy capable of defeating self-pity.

Now focus your vision on the Name Manakel without thinking of anything else breathe, letting yourself be deeply and long permeated by its meaning, pronounce this intention. I understand that every event has a reason and I reject any inclination to self-pity, retaliation, and revenge. I perceive that each of us is the architect of our own lives and that from this moment I can change the course of my existence, so I meditate on the change now.

Manakel 66th Kabbalah Angel Horoscope

Love – Not wanting to embellish or disguise one’s passions or defects; don’t idealize love. Don’t even fight it, because doing so gives importance to what you want to impose. The best fight to overcome excesses is to fight on other fronts, for example, the economic or social one. It is there that love will truly be born

Money – A particularly important entry of money into your coffers should not change your life, on the contrary, with this money you should change the world, improve it. The more you invest, the more you will receive. You can change many things in a good way, starting with the quality of life of those closest to you.

Health – Manakel protects against joint rheumatism and bone deformities. Is there disorder inside your work, in your home? In this case, stand out, make yourself noticed with elevated actions in the service of others. Harmony will return, and also health

Career – You are approaching the highest level, in your work, Others are watching you. Make what you have most appear in your depths. Eliminate your bad habits. Take your place in the movement of the cosmos

Esoteric initiation – They will have access to knowledge about art and how the great architect of the universe built the world.

Manakel Guardian Angel of people born from 15 to 19 February. Other days of his presence are May 27th-August 10th-October 22nd-January 2nd-March 14th. Every day from 21.40pm to 22.00pm. Manakel PrayerVerse 22 Psalm 37