The family as a resource in teaching religious values

In the family, religious values ​​should be proposed from childhood, to be cultivated in childhood, to be rethought in adolescence, so that the subject integrates them into his culture. The family should have the duty to offer young people an understanding of the religious problems arising in their conscience and implicit in their culture.

While young people should have the right to know the various religious answers to the great questions of existence. To discuss it, to be helped to protect themselves from the stereotypes of the world of young people and from common conceptions in vogue.

Educating in religious values ​​in the family

Family education in religious values ​​also passes through affection, the warmth of hospitality, exclusive feelings of the F. This is the main group that is most capable of offering an intimately human and positive environment in which to experience. In the family, religious values ​​are shared and captured effectively in an atmosphere of closeness, trust, and love.

And it is precisely through this positive experience that religious sensitivity and appropriate behavior are rooted in the members of the family. Communication is therefore fundamental in the f that wants to transmit a certain type of religious values ​​and that aspires to live their reality in accordance with the needs of their faith.

What is important is sharing in the family, communicating with others, passing from a more individualistic faith to a shared faith. More and more frequent is the fact that in the family someone declares himself a non-believer, and then it can be a stimulus to confront oneself without adopting defeatist or pessimistic attitudes. Educating in religious values ​​in the family means sharing, understanding, experience, awareness.

Family Prayer

Lord, You are Love.
We thank You for the happiness
and the love of our common life,
we want to live them as your gift.

Teach us to progress the one
through the other under your gaze,
to do your will every day of our life,

to submit our projects to you,
to offer you our joys and our sorrows,
to abandon ourselves to your divine providence.

Help us overcome all difficulties
and misunderstandings:
so the union and the love between us will grow
every day more and in them we will find You.

Our love, our joy,
our availability bring to our brothers and sisters
encouragement and stimulus
and are for the mission accomplished together
an effective contribution, to your glory as a Father.
